

May 15, 2024

Via Rail train on its way to Toronto from Ottawa forced to stop because of flames in exhaust stack

VIA 645 came to a halt in Mallorytown at 4:15 p.m. with 163 passengers on board, Via Rail said.

A Via Rail train headed to Toronto from Ottawa on Sunday was forced to stop in the Kingston area because of mechanical issues caused by flames in the exhaust stack.

VIA 645 came to a halt in Mallorytown at 4:15 p.m. with 163 passengers on board, Via Rail said in an emailed reply to this newspaper. It said the flames went out as soon as the engine was stopped, but the local fire department was called and train 55 was sent to the location to couple with 645.

In the email at 9:16 p.m., Via Rail said the train was “on the move again operating approximately four hours late.”

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